BSM participates in first ever lip dub
Students gathered in the Great Hall to pose for the lip dub video.
May 7, 2019
For the first time ever, BSM students, faculty and staff participated in a schoolwide lip dub. This trend that started in 2011 is quickly gaining popularity again. High schools from all over the country have posted videos of people singing and dancing around campus to fun, high energy, and school appropriate songs.
Not only is the lip dub promoting the community BSM has built over the years, but the wide variety of opportunities the school has provided for students. Multiple clubs, sports, and activities will be featured throughout the video. “We went through and found groups on campus that reflect obviously the awesomeness that is BSM,” Associate Director of Admissions Ms. Betsy Van Cleve said.
It has been difficult to organize with so many students and groups; however, bits and pieces of the video have been filmed throughout the week. The administrative support staff put thought into what they would do during their few seconds of fame. Receptionist Ms. Kathleen Huyck tried to find dances where they didn’t have to move or jump too much due to bad hips and bad knees. “We were a coordinated epic fail,” Huyck said.
The main shot of the lip dub required a little extra time from the student body which resulted in shortened classes on Friday. This caused some inconveniences in lesson plans, but teachers worked hard to make things work. “Our teachers have had to be nimble,” Van Cleve said.
Many people agree that the idea of doing a lip dub was brought up suddenly with little time to prepare or process. However, there has been a wide range of reactions to the lip dub. “I think that it could be really cool, but it’s kind of rushed and they didn’t take the opinions of the students into account, so no one’s that hyped about it,” sophomore Oriana Sampson said.
Students felt hurried and wished that they had more input when it came to locations, songs, and groups to be featured in the video. A common thought was that filming throughout the school year would’ve been better option for the video. “What I saw in the really good lip dubs was that they did it all year round and put it together at the very end of the school year,” sophomore Piper Ehlen said.
Despite the one week deadline to organize and practice everything, there was still excitement in getting to show off some school spirit. For the most part, students liked the experience, despite the idea being a little last minute. “It was definitely pretty far outside my comfort zone but I had a really good time doing it,” senior Sally Calengor said.
When the idea was first introduced, many people didn’t exactly understand why BSM was putting together this lip dub. Along with displaying school spirit and student involvement, the video also kicks off this year’s Day of Giving. “Ms. Peterson [is] in the marketing department and people have seen these fun lip dubs that other schools have done here in the nation and it really got us excited to be able to do something like that to get our donor community really pumped up for Day of Giving,” Van Cleve said.
Putting together a schoolwide lip dub in about a week is not an easy feat, but students, faculty, and staff have been very willing to participate in the practices leading up to the main film day. “I definitely think this will promote a positive image of Benilde and also maybe a permanent image,” Ehlen said.