Live ultrasound performed for Health classes


Ginny Lyons

Ultrasound technician Mark Hutchinson performed ultrasounds on two pregnant women.

Jordan Sims, Staff Writer

The freshman health classes, taught by Ms. Alisa May, had the opportunity to watch a live ultrasound in the chapel. May was able to make this happen through an organization in our community that helps pregnant women who are in need with getting the health care for themselves and their baby. “[It is the] second time we have done it; the first time was last year. The organization is called the Robbinsdale Women’s Center. They help women when they are pregnant and struggling,” Ms. May said.

During the presentation, RWC executive director Peggy Benicke gave a presentation about the organization and what it does for its clients, followed by trivia about pregnancy and babies. “We knew most of the information they were telling us, but I learned that babies can’t sneeze in the womb because there is not air,” freshman John Rigley said.

The ultrasound technician, Mark Hutchinson, gave meticulous detail describing all the different parts of the fetus. “It was a great learning experience. It was cool to see a baby in the womb and learning about what a baby does when it isn’t the womb,” Rigley said.