Mass Dress Code Returns to BSM


Brook Wenande

The new Mass dress code affects both BSM students and teachers.

BSM’s new mass dress code was recently implemented in the handbook for the 2022-2023 school year with the help of assistant principals Matt Weingartz and Michael Kautzman. The dress code is formed from the current dress code with a few added restrictions.

The restrictions cater to create a more respectful environment. T-shirts, team jerseys, sweatpants, and athletic pants are no longer allowed, and should be replaced with collared shirts, modest tops, or jeans and khaki pants. Dresses and skirts are acceptable but must reach knee length.

Weingartz explained that he took inspiration from the old dress code, saying he brought it back to bring more formality. Mike Jeremiah, BSM’s campus minister, helped bring about the pre-Covid-19 mass dress code, saying he felt that it brought more respect and importance to mass. “I definitely had a part to play in that years ago when we developed it, because we simply thought, for something as special as mass. It’s important to look good,” Jeremiah said.

The consequences for dress code are similar to the normal dress code offenses, which stem off of the tier system of behaviors. First time offenses are asked to change, and parents/guardians are notified. Second time offenses are asked to change and have detentions assigned as well as having the parents/guardians notified. And lastly, the third time offenses are asked to change, another detention, and parents/guardians would have to come in for a meeting. “I don’t think it’s that big a deal to dress up a little bit for Mass. I don’t think it’s asking too much. Just one day of the month,” Jeremiah said.

Students all around Benilde-St. Margaret’s have opinions on the new mass dress code. Ronald Lee, a junior at BSM, believes that going to mass should be to learn about God, and it shouldn’t matter what someone is wearing during prayer. He thinks while talking to God, students should feel comfortable in their appearance and clothes. In addition, he explained how some students didn’t have the proper clothes for mass. “Not everybody owns khaki pants, dress shoes, dress shirts…not everybody just wants to wear collared shirts…people like wearing T-shirts. And be comfortable. Why am I going to watch a mass for an hour in some uncomfortable clothing?” Lee said.

I don’t think it’s that big a deal to dress up a little bit for Mass. I don’t think it’s asking too much. Just one day of the month,

— Jeremiah

Senior Claire Prindiville had a similar opinion, and talked about her own trouble finding clothes suitable for the mass dress code. Prindiville challenged the idea of Benilde-St. Margaret’s supportiveness of students’ self-expression. She explained that she had to get new clothes to not get dress-coded. “I had to buy a whole new closet just to fit mass dress code. I think it’s ridiculous and it’s really just taken a toll on my bank account,” Prindiville said.

However, while some students are against the dress code, sophomore Bridget Wickner is on board. She is alright with wearing clothes in the dress code because she said that they are clothes she usually wears. “I’m fine with wearing those clothes since I wear them pretty much every day. And I think it’s good that we dress up for mass because like, we should do that,” Wickner said.

Although Wickner did have to buy a new pair of jeans to fit the dress code, she was alright with it because she said she needed a new pair anyways. Similarly to Weingartz and Jeremiah, she believes that dressing up is a sign of paying respects. “People would wear pajamas to mass and that’s just not what we should be doing because we should be dressing up for mass just because it’s the right thing to do,” Wickner said.

BSM’s dress code was established from the work of the old dress code, and our new assistant principals. It was created to bring reverence and respect to the community.