Logan McMillen, Diversions Editor
Logan McMillen is your go to guy on awkward situations. His lack of a social conscience (especially in regard to etiquette around women) is a catalyst. His trials and tribulations are quite entertaining, they serve as a cautionary tale for what not to do around others. Because of this, freshman boys especially find his stories quite disconcerting as well as helpful. He was doing Michael Cera's gig before Michael even existed. Luckily for Logan, being socially uncomfortable is now part of a greater trend that encompasses pretty much every facet of indie culture. He ditched a girl at Holiday Ball, kissed a friends ear, and keeps in constant contact with at least one female in the states he frequents, just in case they can hook-up for an awkward movie date over MEA or Thanksgiving. He does this all with disregard for his previous mistakes, and thinks he is all the better for it. I think you get the picture. Theres a reason he is the diversions editor.