BSM’s weight room is a disgrace


George Wolfe

The outdated BSM weight room sits empty.

George Wolfe, Staff Writer

My family has been a part of the BSM family dating all the way back to when my great grandma graduated. Benilde-St. Margaret’s has made tons of improvements and advancements in the past 90 years, but if you were to take a look at the weight room you would still think BSM was stuck in the Great Depression. 

When someone steps into the BSM weight room, their senses are overwhelmed by the atrocious aroma. The smell of stale sweat and dusty leather wafts violently into your nose, and your eyes gaze over the torn benches and second hand squat bars to see yourself standing in the doorway reflected in the cracked, dirty mirror on the south wall. You will only have a second to stare at yourself until your hearing is brutally molested by the screeching of “music” coming out of the 1970’s speaker positioned sideways on the floor of the room. 

The bad smell, broken mirror and poor equipment are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the weight room. With dozens of sports teams at BSM- all with similar interest in pushing themselves to greatness- the weight room has made it difficult to house just one team at a time. The 20’x20′ windowless room filled with its outdated equipment and shoved back into the dark forgotten corners of BSM can feel like you’re working out in a prison cell. 

I am not one to complain often, and I am very grateful to all the good and incredible things BSM has given to me and brought me over the years. However, one would think that between the money produced by athletics and the commitment that athletes put into their respected sport that in some way administration would consider a slight upgrade to one of their worst features of BSM. This opinion is mine and only mine yet if an outsider were to take a look for themselves I’m sure they would concur that Benilde-St. Maragret’s has hands down the worst weight room in the state.