Alana Kabaka works to publish original book of poetry

Alana Kabaka, senior at BSM, is using her poetry skills to bring awareness to important issues.

As part of the RED program, Kabaka is publishing a book of poetry. In the RED class, students use their unique skills to gain real world experience and become entrepreneurs. Kabaka is doing research into the world of publishing, as well as designing her book and spending time writing poems. “It’s a really fun class. It’s one of those classes that makes me excited to go to school and excited to participate in,” Kabaka said.

Kabaka has always had a keen interest in poetry. She began writing when she was little but did not write her first poem until freshman year. Freshman English teacher Ms. Koishol and Junior High English teacher Ms. Erin Siots recommended that Alana tried poetry, and she ended up submitting her poem to a contest. “I submitted [my first poem] to a writing contest and ended up placing. That was what got me into writing and poetry,” Kabaka said.

Kabaka uses her poetry to take stands on social justice issues and other topics some may be afraid of talking about. Her poems talk about race and social justice, as well as toxic relationships and the struggles of unhealthy relationships; she also talks about her journey of finding herself and her journey of transitioning into adulthood. “I write poetry on the topics that I talk about because I feel like they are important and a lot of people shy away from them,” Kabaka said.

Compiling a book of her pieces is a project Alana is excited about, and she is happy with the poems she has written so far. This book will include her favorite pieces from the past and also new pieces she has written this year. “When I write something and I finish it, and I edit it, I feel very proudly about it. I am really proud of all my poems,” Kabaka said.