Is Halloween overrated?

Kayla Farrey tackles the question of whether or not Halloween is truly deserving of its praise as a holiday.


Anthony DeRosa, Pexels, Creative Commons

It’s spooky season and front steps all over are filled with jack o lanterns.

Kayla Farrey, News Editor

Is the sky blue? Should neon jackets have stayed in the 80s? Is Halloween the best holiday?

The answer to all the questions above is yes!

Let’s face the facts, there are costumes, candy, and pumpkins. How can anyone deny these treasures?

On Halloween, children have the opportunity to be anything they want. Actually, let me correct myself —children, adults, teens, infants, elderly— anyone can be whatever they please. If a little boy wants to be a princess, he should be welcomed and encouraged. If a girl wants to dress up as Iron Man, then we smile and applaud because there is nothing wrong with being unique! On Halloween, no one is allowed to judge!

During the Halloween season, sweet tooths tend to come out; chocolate, sour, gummy, hard candy–it’s all so thrilling! Also, during the fall, grocery stores sell variety packs combining a plethora of all the favorites.

Candy isn’t the only food surrounding Halloween. People get so creative and inventive with fun Halloween snacks and meals. For example, round pizzas can turn into the shape of a pumpkin, pigs in a blanket become mummies, veggies have carved faces, “bloody” fruit punch, and even burgers with added eyes can look spooky.

The decorations for Halloween are like no other holiday: pumpkins, ghosts, mummies, zombies, and witches. People go absolutely wild for Halloween, as they transform their home into a haunted house. Plus, if people aren’t into the whole spooky atmosphere, a scenic route can be taken where artistic abilities light up the night on a new type of canvas—a pumpkin.

The difference between Halloween and other holidays: there are no requirements, and the day is full of potential.

— Kayla Farrey

Also, the movies that come with Halloween must be mentioned. Halloween helped inspire and influence the horror genre. There are the classics such as Halloween, Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, Ghostbusters, Rocky Mountain Horror Picture Show, Carrie, Friday the 13th, etc. And, there are family-friendly movies too like Twitches, Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, Beetlejuice, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.

The difference between Halloween and other holidays: there are no requirements, and the day is full of potential. People are entailed to decorate however they please, surround themselves with the people of their choice (not like the big holidays full of forced family fun), and be completely free to channel inner freak.

As an end note, I would just like to say that since Halloween is a national holiday, no school should be in session.