Meet the Red Knight: Freshman Xavier Lumpkin

Freshman Xavier Lumpkin hates tacos
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
“In the NFL.”
What talent do you find unique or important to you?
“Making friends and being social.”
Describe your childhood in 4 words.
“Fun, very energetic, downtime.”
Who is your hero, and why?
“Sean Lumpkin, my dad, because he’s an awesome hockey player, and he has a big influence on what I do.”
What is an item you bring with you everywhere, besides a cell phone?
“My chain.”
What makes you laugh?
“Like literally anything.”
Are you someone that wants someone to spoil the end of a show or movie for you?
“No. Big no.”
What is your least favorite fast-food chain, and why?
“Taco Bell because I don’t even like tacos.”
What fast-food chain is your favorite?
“I’m going to have to go with McDonald’s because of the fries.”