Eating raw eggs is enlightened, nutritious, and responsible


Charlie Damberg

This is not a smoothie. It is six whisked, delicious, fresh, amazing eggs!

Charlie Damberg, Staff Writer

Far too often, modernity lends itself to the illusion that what is normal is good and what is good is normal. It is imperative, both to our humanistic, post-enlightenment ethos and Roman Catholic identity, to consistently reexamine the basis of our subconscious acceptance of societal norms in our lifelong mission to live in truth. Common among these acceptances is the diet patterns of the twenty-first century. 

Recently, a Knight Errant writer released a hit-piece defending the phantasm of egg-cooking–demeaning and dismissing the ancient tradition of eating eggs, usually raw. The article failed to mount a legitimate argument against the idea of raw eggs and simply dismissed the practice as “lunacy” and “uncivilized” in unsubstantiated ad-hominem attacks. Of course, the fervor with which this author blindly condemned rawism only shows the extent to which the masses are being brainwashed into habits that neither help their health nor protect their posterity. Raw eggs have been used for generations among those willing to endure the persecution of herd mentality. Anecdotal reports of rawism promoting longevity are usually swept under the rug by the deep state. While the sheep sleep, the woke feast upon raw eggs. Just ask Rocky Balboa.

A common trope in this debate is over the different bioavailability, or absorption, of nutrients between each method of consumption. A 1998 study found the body only digests 50% of the nutrients in raw eggs versus 90% in cooked eggs due to enzymatic denaturation that occurs when cooked. That being said, many of those nutrients are also reduced by cooking, some as much as “50 percent [are reduced] when the eggs are fried or boiled, and reduced even more if they’re microwaved.” When you do the math, 90% absorption of 50% of nutrients equates to roughly 45% of total nutrient intake, while the raw egg yields 50% of the total. By the way, yolk oxidation caused by being cooked is linked to chronic inflammation.

Don’t worry about it. The vast majority of people in America consume enough protein already. Odds are you do too, unless you’re the writer of the pro-cooked eggs article. According to the New York Times, “most American adults eat about 100 grams of protein per day, or roughly twice the recommended amount.” So what if we eat a lot of protein? Well, some studies (see 8.1) show that there are consequences to eating too much protein, as there are for most nutrients.

Which type of eggs do you prefer?


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Of the 69 billion eggs produced each year, an estimated average of 0.000959% resulted in human illness. No, that is not a typo. Pasteurized eggs are safe to eat. 

Practically speaking, raw eggs are also better simply because of how easy they are to consume. Just crack them into a glass, stir, and put them down the hatch. You don’t have to clean a whole pan, and frankly, cooked egg whites have a much worse texture than the raw liquid form. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it!