BSM’s IBA season gets into full swing

Zach Zeman

IBA provides students not in BSM’s basketball program to enjoy the sport

Luke Mathwig, Staff Writer

The season for BSM’s Intramural Basketball Association is in full swing. Students and teachers participate in the league, which serves as a source of casual competition for its members. These participants make up 17 different teams and are just beginning playoffs, eager to see who will finish out on top.

As the gifted athletes of the Intramural Basketball Association continue their season, they look forward to hopefully winning the elusive title that is the IBA championship game. “I expect nothing shorter than an IBA championship after this season,” junior Michael Schmidt said.

Throughout the season, there have been a lot of ups and downs. Although initially heralded as the team to beat, the faculty team––known as the “C-Squad”––has found itself suffering greater loss than expected. Player and math teacher Mr. John Groess is hopeful for the future of the team and has been learning more and more about basketball every game. “I think the team and I are growing every game,” Groess said.

On the other side of the ball, there have been three standout teams: the teachers’ OG3’s, and students’ Knights of Columbus, and Knights of the Vale. These teams have attributed their success to passion and hardwork which seems to be paying off this season. “I think we’ve got passion. The hard work comes with it,” teacher Max Johnson said. 

Players around the league have been scouting their competition to see the most fit and agile players. These standout players are the best of the best in this league and could compete with the most talented of teams. One of these elite players is religion teacher Ms. Kaitlyn Gathje. “Ms. Gathje is a star,” teacher Mr. Groess said.

Gathje is a sophomore and junior religion teacher at BSM and is playing her first season of IBA basketball with the C-Squad. Sadly, her season has been cut short due to a sprained ankle, but she hopes to come back next year more prepared. “I’ve already started to train my ankle to get stronger,” Gathje said.

Some players are already looking forward for the start of next season, hoping they will have better luck with their team and eventually make it to the end of the season with a little more confidence. “I plan on practicing my shooting to prepare for next season,” sophomore Jack VanOverbeke said.