BSM alumni create Taqit, an app for sharing photos
April 30, 2015
The BSM community stays involved in the lives of its alumni and is always curious about what they are doing post high school and post college. Two BSM alumni of the 2012 class, Johnny Mulvahill and Simon Gondeck, created a new app called the Taqit. The application, while still relatively new to the app store, is slowly gaining popularity.
“Taqit is an anonymous live feed of photos near you. It’s like Yik Yak except with images. Anyone can take a picture and post in your area. You can then determine what’s hot by up-voting or down-voting pictures which we call ‘Taqs’,”  Simon Gondeck said.
The creators got their idea from Yik Yak and reworked that idea into a new app. “We saw how [many] people were enjoying Yik Yak and thought there was a need for an app for people to take photos anonymously,” Gondeck said.
The inventors were inspired by a camp they went to last summer and created Taqit over their winter break. “We went to a coding camp last summer in Chicago called Dev Bootcamp where we learned a variety of web technologies. A friend came to us with the idea of having a ‘Yik Yak’ but for pictures. We didn’t see anything like it on the Appstore, so we set out to create one,” Gondeck said.
“There is no sign up process, so we don’t collect usernames, email addresses, or phone numbers. Our motto is: share your moments, keep your privacy,” Gondeck said.
Gondeck and Mulvahill have more in store for the app in updates to come. “We’ve had a lot of fun with the first few weeks with the app and have some new features on the horizon. We won’t reveal any secrets yet but stay tuned. We’re really excited about the future,” Gondeck said.