Concussions impact more than the head

Audrey Jewett

Almost half of BSM students surveyed have had at least one or more concussions. The impact of these concussions reach beyond the field.

Caroline Appleby, Staff Writer

It is important to raise awareness about the seriousness of concussions, and foundations like the Brain Trauma Foundation helping people who have suffered and raising awareness about the severity. Along with many foundations raising awareness, many professional football and hockey players coming forward to talk about their lifelong battles after suffering many concussions. It is important for high school students to be aware and try to prevent concussions due to their long term effects.

  • 48% of the BSM student body reports that they have suffered at least one concussion.
  • Out of the BSM students who suffered a concussion, 30% of them reported never seeing a doctor. Many think they can self diagnose a concussion but it is important to get needed scans like MRIโ€™s or CAT scans to check for possible bleeding.
  • Concussions can cause a variety symptoms, but each person can be affected differently. the severity of the symptoms often depends ย on the amount of impact the person endured and the place they head was hit.
  • According to Cleveland Clinic once you have a concussion, you are at three to five times greater risk for later concussions. Symptoms can include: decreased attention span, headache, light headed, dizzy and vomiting. Concussions can range from minor symptoms to brain bleeding or even brain damage.
  • ABC sub channel in Dallas Fort Worth ย stated that โ€œDespite increasing rules to reduce the brain injuries, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says sports concussions have reached an epidemic level.โ€
  • A students academic performance can be greatly affected by a concussion.Coming to school when the brain is not fully healed This can cause the student to decrease their performance in school due to lack of brain function or long recovery process. โ€œI got my concussion over it over finals week, so I had to take my finals a week later [and] I didnโ€™t do well,โ€ Long said.
  • For the students who report reported a concussion 26% reported they missed a week of school due to it. Even more alarming is that 4% reported they missed four or more weeks of school due to their concussion.
  • According to Sports Concussion Institute, not only can multiple traumatic incidents contribute to the development of mild cognitive impairments (MCI’s), chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and other adverse outcomes, but a storied concussion history can also cause post-concussion syndrome (PCS).