Film studies class holds annual film festival
Courtesy of the BSM Studies YouTube channel
January 13, 2015
This past Monday, the BSM Film Festival was held in the Hamburge Theater, as is tradition for Mr. Tom Backen’s Film Studies class. The Film Festival showed 4 student-directed projects from Film Studies out of the 12 total projects made by students. The Festival’s featured films included: “Cody’s Christmas” starring Keara Clacko, Mark Falls, Sam Munkeby, and Andrew Norman, “It’s a Long Story” starring Austin Bray, Colin Sheeley, Evan Norkosky, and Isaac Welsch, “The Specialty” starring Jordan Burt-McGregor, Alex Messer, Tyler Wyvell, Logan Kass, and Riley Crane, and “Homework Heist” starring Nate Barry and Blaise Fitzgerald.
Five awards were voted into their winners’ hands by the attending Film Festival audience. The Directing Award and the Cinematography Award were given to “Cody’s Chance”. The Screenwriting Award and Audience Award were both given to “Homework Heist”, as well as the Grand Jury Prize for best overall film. “We felt really good about winning, and we also had a lot of good competition because a lot of the other groups in film studies made some really awesome movies. We were just lucky to be in the film festival,” award winner Keara Clacko said. All of the short films can be seen on BSM Studies YouTube channel, along with past years’ films.