What do classes do after AP exams?

Oliver Bastian

Jackson Sando learning a little about quantum physics after the AP exam

With May underway and the end of the year nearing, AP tests have come to an end. But the question still lingers, what do AP classes do after their AP test?

After AP tests, different classes do different things. Some classes take a break and reward themselves for all the hard work they did during the year and others do interesting things that relate to the subject, but are still in the curriculum. “After the tests, we continue to learn interesting things that are not part of the AP curriculum like we did in my computer science class. Activities that the teacher thought would be interesting to teach such as Egg Drop labs. These activities are not necessarily within the AP curriculum, but I still think that the students still get something out of it,” senior Jackson Sando said.

Another way classes work after the test is still working on content from the AP curriculum and finishing up the loose ends. “But like this year, for example, Mr. Fulco is planning on giving us a Unit 11 test in math after the AP test. So I guess we’re going to be doing some stuff in math,” senior Matthew Robinson said.

Some students at BSM like the way AP classes are structured, they find it rewarding and a good time to relax after the hard work that they put into the year. “We don’t really do anything, which is kind of fun because like, obviously, the whole year is really stressful. There’s a very tight schedule so that they can get the whole curriculum in so that we’re ready for the test. But after the test, it’s kind of just chill,” senior Bianca Mojica said.

With most of these classes there is a lot of free time during the days after the AP test. With this time some students would like to see more structure. Students find that more senior teachers that have been teaching the class longer have a better hold of things and know what to do after the AP test. “I feel like some classes could definitely be planned out better. I believe that it really depends on how long the teacher has been teaching that class. If it’s the teachers like first year teaching the class usually they don’t get all the content in because, for new teachers, it’s hard to get the whole curriculum in like the two semesters,” Mojica said.

Along with students, teachers believe that AP classes are tough and time-consuming, thus they believe that students should be rewarded for their hard work. “I don’t think downtime is a bad thing. I think if you burn out, it’s not going to be good for anybody. I want people to enjoy the content that they’re expecting as well and for literature. There’s endless ways to explore and enjoy that even after an exam,” AP Literature teacher, Mrs. Belanger said.