“Problems that Matter” whiteboard added to lobby

Kendel Malcolm

Senior Parker Breza adds problems that he believes matters to the whiteboard recently added to the lobby.

Elsa Beise, Staff Writer

BSM has added a new way for students to voice their opinions and passions and connect with others who share the same ideas. Located in the main lobby, a large whiteboard provides a space where students can write their names, emails and an issue that they are passionate about. After only being up for a few hours, many students have already written what was on their minds.


Sophomore Josie Ross was excited about the opportunity. โ€œI think it will bring students together through passions that they didnโ€™t know they shared,โ€ Ross said. The BSM community will benefit from this unique way of sharing what is important to each and every student and providing an easy way to connect with others.

This white board is the first step in new President, Dr. Gyolai’s, aspirations to enhance the service community of BSM. It is a new way for students to approach local, national, or even global issues such as homelessness, clean water, or LGBT rights. Students include their contact information with their specific issue in order to capture the attention of other students who are equally as passionate about these issues; allowing the community to band together to solve problems that matter.

Right now BSM is encouraging students to come forward with their matters and display them on the board for the student body to see as they walk through the lobby every morning. As this is the beginningย stages of Dr. Gyolai’s service centricย plan, the student body is yet to see what will come from the board and hopefully positive progress will be seen.