Today in the Great Hall, students had the opportunity to walk the labyrinth, a form of meditation rooted in Christianity that predates the Middle Ages. Ms. Holly Hoey Germann introduced the labyrinth to BSM in 2007, and about 300 students participate each time.
“The labyrinth is a powerful spiritual meditation for me, and I thought it would be interesting for students to do it because the everyday environment is so overstimulated, bombarded with noise. But, I thought it would be interesting to introduce meditation where you’re moving, rather than just sitting still” Ms. Hoey Germann said.
“I would like people to know there’s no right or wrong. It’s just a path, it’s just a canvas, you can walk off of it any time you want. But, yet, people who pray using a labyrinth report having significant spiritual experiences. And no walk is ever the same for any one person. The walk is all depending on one’s own life journey” Ms. Hoey Germann said.