A new craze has hit the streets of Maple Grove, Minnesota: “Sota.” This “dirty soda” store was started by Chad Taylor after visiting out west and seeing the popularity of these soda shops. Many have seen stores like these gain popularity from social media, especially TikTok, so the target audience seems to be Gen Z, and mainly girls. I visited Sota on a Tuesday at around 2:00 PM and the line was exceptionally long. However, it only took around 30 minutes to get through, and it and was definitely worth the wait. My friends and I were curious to see what the craze was about, and we were not disappointed. Here is a comprehensive review of the variety of sodas we tried.
Stacy’s Mom: This consists of Dr. Pepper, vanilla, and cream. At first, it tastes like a normal Dr. Pepper, but as you keep sipping, the vanilla flavoring starts to come out. I enjoyed this one, but I would prefer a drink with a little bit more flavoring than just Dr. Pepper. This is a good basic if you are slowly getting into the “dirty soda” craze. I would rate this a 7/10.
My Hero: This soda is a Dr. Pepper base with raspberry, coconut, and raspberry puree. When you first take a sip, you are hit with a very strong coconut flavor followed by a hint of raspberry. Similar to “Stacy’s Mom,” the more you let the drink sit, the more flavorful it becomes. I enjoyed the coconut flavoring, but if you aren’t a fan of coconut, this isn’t the one for you. I feel that this is the most similar to a Utah soda because of the many different flavors in it. Overall, I would rate it an 8.5/10, just because the coconut and raspberry can be a little overpowering at times.
Streets: Again, this soda has a Dr. Pepper base with coconut, vanilla, and coconut cream. If you thought the last drink had a lot of coconut, you aren’t prepared for this one. There is a slight hint of vanilla in the soda, but it mostly tastes like the coconut cream that is already in it. I found it enjoyable, but I am more of a fan of the tropical flavors. Similarly to “My Hero,” if you don’t like coconut, this isn’t for you. The more you drink the soda, the more the vanilla flavor comes through. This was my favorite flavor out of the four that I tried, so I would rate it a 9/10.
California Love: The final drink I tried didn’t have a Dr. Pepper base but rather a lemonade base with strawberries, peach, and strawberry puree. This was very different from the other sodas, so that makes it difficult to compare them. I enjoyed the lemonade; it was very sweet, if that is what you like. If you aren’t a huge fan of soft drinks but still want something delicious from “Sota,” this is a great substitute. The sweetness was a little overpowering for me, so I would have to rate it a 7.5/10.
“Sota” was an enjoyable experience. Because of the popularity, the line was long but moved fairly quickly. I will definitely be returning so I can try all of the other flavors, and if anyone were to ask me, I would recommend.