The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

2023-24 Staff of the Year Recipient Judy Koski is truly an Asset to the BSM Community

Courtesy of BSM instagram
Judy contributing years of dedication to BSM, manages athletic operations, overseeing everything from transportation to scheduling.

Judy Koski, esteemed bus driver, is not just a driver, but a pillar of the Benilde-St. Margaret’s community. Her tireless dedication and commitment leaves a lasting impression on the student body, especially felt by our sports teams. Koski’s reliability and assistance stretch far beyond sports transportation. Without her, our school community and athletic programs would be lacking essential support and transportation to games and events, highlighting her necessary role at BSM.

Koski manages and supervises many sports at BSM, including many clubs and activities. With her office in the Haben, you can see her hard at work preparing for the future games, activities, or meetings coming up that night or in the near future. “Each sport has all their idiosyncrasies, should we say, but no sport is harder to supervise than another, there’s a rhythm to them all and you get into the rhythm and the way each sport goes,” Koski said.

Each sport has all their idiosyncrasies should we say but no sport is harder to supervise than another, there’s a rhythm to them all and you get into the rhythm and the way each sport goes.”

— Judy Koski

Koski doesn’t just leave a lasting impact on the students and players, but also on the coaches.
Koski collaborates with the coaches, staff, and parents to ensure the success and growth of our athletic programs. “Good communication between everybody trying to maintain accurate records of eligibility and everything that falls under that,” Koski said.

Students had and still have great relationships with Koski. She has many memorable achievements and milestones that highlight the positive impact she’s had on our school sports culture. “I would say feeling honored to be invited to the team’s sports banquet and having students invite me to their grad party makes me feel that I had an impact,” Koski said.

The athletic department always has ways to improve and goals in mind to further enhance our athletic programs. Some directors may just need to maintain their current efforts while some may have bigger plans. “I just need to keep doing what I’m doing and support our teams,” Koski said

The impact that Koski leaves on athletes and students goes unmeasured and she can never be thanked enough for her hard work and dedication. “Judy not only gets us to our games on time but she always gets us there with a good attitude and safely…she’s always there to have a chat with you on or off the bus whether it’s about school or life,” junior hockey player Addie Morris said.

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