Inside the Link Crew Application Process

Since 2006, BSM students have participated in Link Crew, an organization that focuses on helping make incoming ninth graders feel welcome and comfortable with their transition to BSM. In the past few weeks BSM students have undergone the application process.

To start, students who are interested have to fill out a google form on why they want to be in link crew. Second, everyone who fills out the form has to sign up for an interview time on sign up genius. If a student completes both of these steps then they are considered by BSM teachers and Link Crew advisers Mr. Johnson, Ms. Seppala and Mr. Groess.

Interviews are nerve racking to many people but this one was not very stressful, sophomore applicant Maggie Graczyk explained. “My interview was fun…a lot less stressful than I thought it would be. They asked me who my favorite person to talk to was, what I do outside of school, and what I would’ve changed about my freshman orientation,” Graczyk said.

Advisers do focus on what applicants say throughout the interviews. However, all teachers amongst the school are also sent a google doc with the names of all applicants and they are asked to give feedback and share anything they want about the students applying. “From there, we select 65 individuals who we feel are the best range and can hit as many different types of people, learners, representation, and backgrounds so that all the incoming ninth graders can see themselves represented through their link crew leaders,” Groess said.

After the interviews are complete, the advisers have a week to deliberate. The final decisions are sent out in emails both confirming or denying on April 22. Sophomores who are not accepted can go try again the next year. “After being elected, leaders have to come to training days where we go over expectations for orientation day,” Groess said.

During the summer training days, advisers show new leaders how to run the getting to know you games and activities that will be used on the orientation day. “We have them go through the games…we give them supplies…leaders have to call or reach out to all of the ninth graders in their group and say that they’re excited for them to be coming to BSM and that they’re really here to welcome them,” Groess said.

The orientation day is the monday of the first week of school where all new BSM freshmen come in and spend the day walking around with their group. Leaders give the new students tips and share their stories about BSM. “The orientation day was really fun but my favorite part is getting to go in and see my freshman homeroom group once or twice a month just to check in,” Junior 1st year leader Anna Lervick said.

Link Crew leaders are remembered by their freshman group all throughout highschool and they often inspire them to try out different new clubs and sports at BSM. “My link crew leaders were really helpful and I looked up to them a lot. They are the reason I decided to apply to Link Crew because I wanted to get involved in the BSM community and help out the new freshman,” Junior 1st year leader Izzy Garvin said.