Meet the Red Knight: Freshman Shale Hornig
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
“I don’t really know yet maybe with real estate or something because that’s what my parents do. I either wanna live in Minnesota or somewhere warm like California.”
What talent do you find unique or important to you?
“I don’t really have any. I have played every single sport. I still play volleyball, tennis, basketball and golf. I played the rest when I was little.”
Describe your childhood in 4 words.
“Fun, adventurous, travel, sports.”
Who is your hero, and why?
“My parents because they have always been there for me and helped me through a lot. They are independent, and they have taught me a lot about social skills with other people.”
What is an item you bring with you everywhere, besides a cell phone?
What makes you laugh?
“My friends.”
Are you someone that wants someone to spoil the end of a show or movie for you?
“Yeah, because I get really anxious if something big is going to happen. I want someone to tell me so I know. I don’t like surprises.”
What is your least favorite fast food chain?
“Subway. This is really random, but I had it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for five days straight on a road trip, and now I can’t stand it. I haven’t had it since I was six, and I never will again. I can’t stand the smell either.”
What fast food chain is your favorite?
“I like a lot of them. I don’t know what my favorite is, but I like Taco Bell.”