Covid: A Year in Review

Way back in December 2019, news surfaced that a virus had begun spreading throughout Eastern Asia. Little did we know a global pandemic was soon to ensue and pandemonium would follow. The virus in its early stages and presence in the media seemed to be isolated within the confines of Wuhan, China and other cities around it. Fast forward to March of 2021, and the virus has reached nearly every country, taking the lives of millions and completely devastating the global economy. Throughout the past year or so, a timeline of events related to the coronavirus wrote itself. Though it may be difficult to remember all events that have snowballed up until this point, the most significant of the several proceedings have been plotted. Hereโ€™s a look back at the most noteworthy occurrences.


December โ€“ The beginning

As mentioned earlier, coronavirus-related media appeared in late December of 2019 when disease struck the numerous poultry and fish markets in Eastern Asiaโ€”mainly China. The โ€œsicknessโ€ ridden markets were initially believed to be infested with air-born pneumonia. It wasnโ€™t until December 31st when government officials in Wuhan reported they were treating dozens of people for an unknown virus. At this point, health officials in china said their main priority was to stop the spread of the virus before it became something more โ€œsevere.โ€


January โ€“ First Demise

After Chinese Health officials did their best at attempting to contain and regulate the spread and effects of the virus, the first death due to the virus occurred on January 11, 2020. The first victim was a regular dweller at the Chinese markets. This information seemed to sicknesses originated from the markets in late 2019. This death came days before millions of Chinese residents would be out and about for Chinese New Year.

Weeks after the first demise, deaths totaled almost two dozen, and those infected ranged close to the thousands. Cases spread even more outward than China as well. The virus reached U.S. soil within a month of its first appearance. After multiple nations had become victims of the virus, the World Health Organization declared a โ€œglobal health emergency.โ€ Soon after, countries began closing their borders to ensure the spread of the virus would halt, including the U.S. when the Trump Administration limited travel in and out of the country.


February โ€“ Nameless No More

When calendars turned the page to February, 360 peopleโ€™s lives had been claimed by the virus. These deaths were no longer confined to China. On February 2, 2020, it was reported that a man in the Philippines had died from the virus. After this monumental detection, doctors began to wonder if the virusโ€™s path of destruction could have been predicted and if the Chinese government could have botched the entire regulating situation.

On February 11, 2020, the virus that had claimed the lives of nearly a thousand and was finally given a nameโ€”Covid-19, an acronym standing for coronavirus disease 2019. Shortly after Covid-19โ€™s naming, new findings surrounding the virusโ€™s devastation raised. Covid-19 had now claimed the lives of European residents, especially those in France and in Italy.ย 

By the end of February, Covid-19 had reached nations such as France, Italy, Iran, and the United States and the number of cases surged insane amounts in each one.


March โ€“ Home Sweet Home

The month of March was relatively similar from day one all the way until the thirty-first; it had a recurring theme, stop the spread of Covid-19 at all costs. The C.D.C. had the largest say in how states and nations should approach the swirling virusโ€”stay home and avoid large groups. By March 15th, governments enacted mandates affirming how many people could be in groups and when folks could leave their homes. These nations also began enacting total shutdowns in an attempt to alienate the virus from the public altogether. The production of cleaning products and sickness protection wear ramped up tremendously, and so did the demand for such, so much so that prices increased and the stock was extremely limited and a face mask became part of your daily outfit for what seemed to be the indefinite future.ย 


April โ€“ Okay, Jokeโ€™s Over!

Home-ridden, scared, and joblessโ€”these are key themes seen in April of 2020. Though the majority of nations decided to home-rid their citizens, cases still reached new heights. Infected persons around the globe now scratched seven figures. With the help of the U.S., China, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Italy, France, and plenty more countries, global deaths totaled more than 200,000 by April 26th, 2020. At the end of April, the spread of Covid-19 was categorized as a global pandemic.


May โ€“ โ€œRecession-Shmessionโ€ย 

The writing of the pandemic timeline was well on its way when previous medical records and reports proved the coronavirus moved from Wuhan to bordering nations well before we may have thought. Cases deemed as Pneumonia in late December in countries such as France and in Italy were now easily identifiable as Covid-19 infections. With this new information in mind, the substandard prevention of the virus had become more and more evident. Just four months after the first reported case in the U.S., the U.S. death total reached 100,000.


June, July, and August โ€“ โ€œItโ€™s Summer! What could go wrong?โ€

By early June, the coronavirusโ€™s wrath was more than familiar to almost all countries across the entirety of the globe. Its โ€œefficiencyโ€ reached new heights, or in simpler terms, its daily infection rate extended to 100,000 new contagions per day. According to the W.H.O., Countries that lay in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, South Asia, and North America aided in this contagion rate the most.

As the months changed, so did regulations. Almost immediately after June turned to July, July 1st to be exact, the European Union decided it was time to aid the economy in its resurgence by reopening its borders to specific countries in an attempt to spark touristic action within European countries.ย 

Aside from Europeโ€™s decision to partially reopen its borders, other nations remained far behind Europe in their progress to get things back to the way they were. The U.S., for one, continued to shatter records related to the Covid-19 outbreak. Six out of the 50 U.S. states reported new single-day highs in cases for the seventh time in 11 days. The spread of the virus grew even more rapidly in the southern and western parts of the United States.

During this global pandemic, Covid-19 did much more than infect a large portion of the earthโ€™s population; it tattered the global economy, left millions unemployed, and even forced people to sell the large majority of their possessions just to stay afloat during these tough times. More than five million Americans lost health and insurance and thousands lost much moreโ€”their homes and their loved ones.ย 

As the end of July approached, reaching more than a million cases in a singular country began routine, and people around the globe began to fear the world may never be the same.

August followed the trend of the other previous months in the sense that shutdowns, regulations, etc. were at all-time highs. Universities began moving classes to all online and sports during the time were either completely shut down or serious equipment mandates were put in place in order to ensure safety amongst athletes. As regulations increased, so did the global death toll. At the end of the summer, the world had lost over 800,000 people due to the coronavirus.


September โ€“ What About School?

With summer coming to a close, schools around the globe began opening up just as they did before the induction of Covid-19 into countless landsโ€”well, sort of, mask mandates seemed to be law at this point and social distancing became human practice and nature. As September neared its end, the global death toll now surpassed one million and it didnโ€™t look like it would stop at any time soon.


October โ€“ Bedtime Already?!

Cases continued to rise in the month of October, and with incredible speed as well. The world recorded more than one million new cases in just three days. How did the world react to this, you may ask? Well, nations across the globe decided to implement curfews to guarantee the reduction of case spikes.


November and December โ€“ Testingโ€ฆ testingโ€ฆ

Throughout the months of November and December Covid-19 testing became easier to get your hands on. Tests were now able to be taken at your own home via the spit test and the self-swabbing kits. Aside from testing to see if you have Covid-19, labs began testing vaccines to protect against the virus altogether.

On December 11, the F.D.A. finally approved a vaccine for emergency use against the infamous Covid-19. The most vulnerable people within the population began taking the vaccine within days of its approval. This vaccine was rolled out in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia and others. Even with the addition of the vaccine to this small portion of the public, death tolls still broke 300,000 by the end of December.


January โ€“ โ€œYou get a vaccine, you get a vaccine, you all (kind of) get a vaccine!โ€

By mid-January, vaccine campaigns became crucial points of discussions amongst 42+ countries around the world and the need for the vaccine became more demandingโ€”reason being new strands of the coronavirus such as 501.v2 began infecting more and more people each day and researchers were still unaware if the current vaccine prevented it.ย 

ย Just to top off the month of January, the world decided to surpass 100,000,000 total cases of the coronavirus and didnโ€™t show any signs of slowing up.


February โ€“ โ€œAre we there yet?โ€

ย A year has passed since the World Health Organization announced a global health emergency in relation to a virus we now know very wellโ€”Covid-19.

ย Just days into February and multiple vaccines have been given stellar efficiency confirmation. In other news, these multiple vaccines have also been rolled out to more people than the number of people said to have been infected with the coronavirus globally. The number of reported cases has also steadily declined for 5 weeks straight now. Could we be nearing the end?ย 


March โ€“ Now

Almost a year after countries completely shut down their borders and forced residents to stay in their homes, Covid-19โ€™s spread has slowed immensely and efforts such as research and vaccines have helped these movements effectively and efficiently. As we near the end of March, hopes of the virusโ€™s total elimination are seemingly plausible.