Boys’ soccer team chooses to attend school virtually


Photo courtesy of Drew Clark.

Boys’ varsity soccer captain Drew Clark attends school online to protect the health of his teammates.

Brady Wine, Staff Writer

In a time where every sport season played has the potential to be paused or ended completely due to COVID-19, BSM boys’ varsity soccer players have made a move to online school to protect their season so as to keep themselves and their team healthy. A majority of the team made the switch to attend only virtual school, limiting the possibility of contracting the virus and taking a stride to keep their season alive. 

During their summer training sessions, returning boys’ varsity players knew the fragility of their season and that they needed to take some sort of steps to help them lower their chances of contracting the coronavirus. Upon learning that they could choose to stay at home rather than come into school through hybrid-learning, a group of players decided to take action. The idea was discussed among players, and the more they discussed, the more viable the option became for many on the team. “It was a joint decision by the players to do this, with support from our coaching staff to go forward with this,” junior captain Drew Clark said. 

Clark, as well as his senior co-captains Hans Backes and Nick Burlage, agreed to go through with the virtual learning option, and many others on the team were encouraged by their choice. Virtual learning would minimize the chance that they could contract the virus from other students at BSM. In total, 10 of the 19 players on the team decided to start off the school year without going into school. “As a captain, we didn’t try too much to influence other players’ decisions, but it was more of just leading by example. Personally, I did not want to be the one who ruins the seniors’ final season due to getting COVID by a classmate,” Clark said. 

I wish I was able to see my friends, but I feel we are doing the right thing to give us the best chance possible for a full season.

— Drew Clark

For many players on the team, seeing others committing to protecting their season was an important enough reason to go along with this idea. Junior Luca Platt, a returning player from the varsity team, wasn’t sure if he wanted to make the sacrifice to spend all of his time at home. However, when he saw others on the team willing to make the tough decision, he was all in as well. “I was leaning towards [going virtual learning] and once all the guys on the team decided to do it, I went with them,” Platt said. 

Both Platt and Clark are planning to return to school for hybrid learning once the season concludes. So far, Clark’s experience in virtual learning has been positive, and he’s been successful in his classes while learning through Zoom only. “[Online school] has been good, a lot better than last spring. I wish I was able to see my friends, but I feel we are doing the right thing to give us the best chance possible for a full season,” Clark said.

Three games into the season with no positive cases so far, the boys’ decision has been paying off so far for the team. Starting off with a 3-0 record, the team is looking to continue to stay healthy and winning. “We are looking forward to seeing what damage we can do the rest of the season,” Clark said.