Teenagers find new ways to meet with each other
Nowadays, parking lots sits empty due to COVID-19, but every once in a while, students will use this space to gather in a way that follows social distancing guidelines
Due to the limited number of ways to connect with friends during quarantine, teenagers are finding new ways to adapt. A hot trend for those who have their license is to meet up with friends in parking lots. In order to keep social distance, students park their cars in a circle with their trunks facing inwards and sit in the backs of their cars.
Circles of parked cars in parking lots have become a common sight across the metro. Just like how all trends spread, many groups say they got this inspiration through social media and from seeing classmates doing it. “We actually came up with this idea because we saw it on TikTok. We missed seeing each other in person, and we all have our license, so we picked a parking lot and did it,” sophomore Natalie Tennesen said.
Being stuck in the house all day isn’t necessarily the most thrilling activity. Although meeting up in cars isn’t ideal, it isn’t the worst thing either. “Honestly, it was a good time. We all just sat in our cars, while we talked and listened to music,” sophomore Jeff Raymon said.
While meeting up and talking is still a fun way to pass time, students have found even more ways to fancy their quarantine hangout. Phone games such as Game Pigeon, Uno, and Heads Up are all ways to spruce up the fun. “We all downloaded Uno, and we all played together. It was actually a really fun and good way to spend time together,” Raymon said.
Because not being able to go out to restaurants with friends isn’t an option right now, this new trend allows for the possibility to have a bite to eat with friends. “While in our cars, we talked about everything from TV shows to college plans, and to make it even more fun, we would also sometimes bring lunch and have a mini picnic,” junior Anna Podein said.
Spending time outside and being able to connect with friends is so crucial, especially right now. Students meeting up with friends by sitting in the trunks of their cars while having a good time can make quarantine a little more enjoyable and exciting. “We really enjoyed meeting in our cars because it seemed similar to things we did pre-quarantine like picnics, bonfires, and even just sitting around and talking,” Podein said.