Mythology brings the ancient to life


Maddie Kurtovich

Ms. Anna Overbo hides behind Edith Hamilton’s “Mythology,” the key text that the Mythology class uses to learn about the ancient myths.

Aiden Luebke, Staff Writer

For students that are interested in a wide range of topics from Greek myths to Navajo traditions, they have the opportunity to take Mythology. Mythology is an English class that BSM offers for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The class needs to be taken as an elective for sophomores and juniors, but seniors can take the course as their main English class.

The curriculum starts off with students learning about creation stories and then moving on to learning about the Roman, Greek, and Egyptian gods. Throughout each unit, the students look for common motifs and themes within each type of myth. โ€œRecently, we spent some time talking about love myths, and then ended up watching The Princess Bride [as an example of a modern day love myth],โ€ senior Matthew Hansberry said.

Myths from all parts of the world are covered, including the myths and legends of Africa, India, and Japan to name a few places. โ€œIt has been interesting to see common aspects of myths across continental borders,โ€ senior Adrian Lawrenz said.

Many myths are very relevant to our own lives and the lives of people around us.

— Ms. Anna Overbo

As the curriculum covers these different types of myths, it examines how they compare. The connection that many myths have to human experiences is also a core piece of the class. โ€œMany myths are very relevant to our own lives and the lives of people around us,โ€ mythology teacher Ms. Anna Overbo said.

The last thing that students study is apocalyptic myths. โ€œI think it is a great way to end the class. Many studentsโ€™ lives are changing in a sense with their graduation, but a new seed is also sprouting with their new lives at college,โ€ Overbo said.

Many students, seniors, in particular, seem to take the class because they assume that reading myths doesnโ€™t require much work. However, that is not the case. โ€œI took the class because it seemed like a better alternative to my other options, and I thought the workload would be small, but we actually have to do a lot of assignments,โ€ senior Tucker Turrittin said.

The topic of mythology is something that many people find interesting because of the historical and uncertainty factors. โ€œWe learn about many interesting stories in a fun way,โ€ Turrittin said.