BSM boys’ hockey hopes for a memorable season
BSM boys’ defend well in order to prevent a goal.
January 8, 2019
As the winter season continues, so does a new year of BSM varsity boys’ hockey. The team is led by Senior Captain Ian Bahr who has been starting on varsity since he was a sophomore and junior Captain Nate Schweitzer who has been on the team since his freshman year. “We’re all anxious to get the season rolling,” Bahr said.
In hopes of helping the team grow and push for a winning record, the preparation for the new hockey season has changed since last year. Practices have become more strict and demanding which helps keep the kids on task. Aside from practices, team meetings have become more common, helping to build team comradery. “Practices are a lot more upbeat compared to last year, which makes it seem more serious,” Bahr said.
As the season continues to go on the team hopes to have a successful season. Last year the boys lost to SLP in the playoffs, ending the season short. This year the boys hope to come together and overcome the troubles they had in the past. The main goal for Junior captain Nate Schweitzer along with many other players is to be more united, which will help the team greatly for future games. “If the team is all one and we work together, we have a great chance of achieving our goal,” Schweitzer said.
This year there have been some new additions to the team. About half of the varsity roster consists of new faces to the Benilde St. Margaret’s hockey team and a majority of those kids are underclassmen. These new faces have served as a huge help to the team both on and off the ice. “About half the team is new, but they are a big help to the team,” Bahr said.
Aside from player additions to the team, the team was also awarded a new locker room. During previous seasons the team was stuck inside of a small locker room with barely enough room to fit the entire team in it, but now the locker room has enough space to fit 2 teams inside. The locker room was founded and helped made by past BSM students, some of which were previous players on the team. “The locker room is perfect. It’s an amazing space for us to hang out and get ready in. It is a big upgrade from our old locker room and we are all very grateful for it,” Schweitzer said.