RKJ offers an opportunity for students to enhance faith

Cece Golinvaux

The BSM chapel is home to the Red Knight Journey meetings.

Kayla Farrey and Gary Antonio

There are many clubs at BSM with opportunities for students to invest in their religious beliefs, but recently Mr. Mike Jeremiah, BSM’s Campus Minister, has decided to create a new faith club called Red Knight Journey (RKJ). Although the club is still in development, it has grown exponentially over the past few weeks from just three students at the start to over 18.

The club was inspired by “Fellowship of Christian Athletes” which took place at BSM in 2003  but was discontinued due to a lack of members. Now the club is back in full swing, though with a new title in order to avoid people from feeling excluded. “Even though the group is open to all young people, I think the name makes some kids feel that the group is not for them since they are not in sports. Again, we are using FCA as a foundation for what we are calling ‘Red Knight Journey’ or simply ‘Journey’,” Jeremiah said.

RKJ is scheduled to start in February and will meet on Monday evenings. Anyone can, and is encouraged, to join. “I have talked with many students this year about the Red Knight Journey, and I am working with a group of 16 students from the senior high who have stepped up to be members of the Leadership Team. We have had several planning meetings, and these kids are truly faith-filled and excited about the opportunity of bringing their friends and classmates into a deeper relationship with God,” Jeremiah said.

One mission of RKJ is reviving the faith life of students at BSM. In fact, some of the founding members joined RKJ to grow in their own faith. “I joined Red Knight Journey mostly because I really want to grow in my faith especially before I head off to college. I believe that if I have the best possible relationship with God, for myself, it will lead me to wonderful things. I also wanted a place I could come to and have people around me who want the same things,” senior Marley Ballinger said.

One mission of RKJ is reviving the faith life of students at BSM. “I think our school needs to have a better faith connection rather than just knowing random facts about the bible and the Catholic faith. I hope this club will help us understand the knowledge we have about the faith,” senior Sarah Frenz said.

People also joined in order to help lead the student body as well as improve their own prayer life. “I wanted a leadership position at BSM,” Frenz said.

In terms of planning for the future, RKJ is in the process of organizing a worship band and a worship team. “These services would be open to all members of the BSM Community but would be student centered and student led. The Leadership Team has also talked about student-centered speakers and activities focused on faith development and leadership,” Jeremiah said.

Starting a new club can be tricky, but the members of RKJ trust that this will become an essential and important part of the BSM community. “I think that this club will eventually become a big hit! It may take a little bit of time for it to initially kickoff, but once it does I think it is going to be a really wonderful thing! If you have even the slightest interest to join, you 100% should,” Ballinger said.