Seniors reveal the real perks of senior year


Emma Paquette

Seniors Aidan Luebke (left), Shay Kinney (center), and Molly Segner (right) demonstrate their “senior authority” by leaving early. Leaving early is a special privilege reserved for seniors with 8th hour free and who don’t participate in an afterschool activity.

Alexa Field, Staff Writer

Everyone at some point in high school looks forward to the perks that come with being a senior. Whether they look forward to getting to leave school early or simply just being older, senior year is beloved for many different reasons.

Along with many other seniors, Cheyanne Carter is able to leave early because she has the last two periods of the day free. โ€œMy favorite part about being a senior is definitely getting to leave early. I have 7th and 8th hour free, so most days I get to be home by one. I still have a whole day to get other, non-school related, things done…or take a nap.โ€

After receiving the results of a poll, it is safe to say that the most popular senior perkโ€“โ€“known by students both young and oldโ€“โ€“is the skip-a-final perk. For those who donโ€™t know what skip-a-final is, it is the chance for senior students in their second semester to skip all of their finals. However, in order for seniors to be able to skip their finals, they must have a C in the class, no more than 3 tardies or 4 absences, and no unexcused absences (as stated in the BSM student handbook).ย 

My favorite part of being a senior is definitely getting to leave early,

— Cheyanne Carter

Along with all of these perks comes freedom. A majority of the seniors said they feel like they have more freedom now than when they were in grades below. โ€œI like senior year because itโ€™s really relaxed and it gives seniors a lot more freedom to do what they want. I also think that the teachers are a lot more laid back because weโ€™re doing college applications and it just makes senior year really fun,โ€ senior Brad Shibley said.

Besides the privileges that come with being a senior, there are also some traditions that are passed down to the new generation of seniors each year. The top two traditions seniors like to take part in is senior overalls and standing at the front of the bleachers for football games. โ€œI have been looking forward to making my senior overalls since freshman year. I loved making them with my friends and seeing how everyoneโ€™s turned out different. I like the senior overalls tradition because it made me finally feel like a senior,โ€ senior Meghan Lamb said.

Though senioritis may be kicking in and the stress caused by college applications may loom over the spirits of this yearโ€™s seniors, it can be inferred that senior year is happily awaited for by underclassmen and continues to be the peak of many people’s high school memories.