Transferring to BSM senior year
BSM senior reflects on what its like to transfer senior year to a new high school.
Senior Jessica Hill with a common basket.
June 1, 2018
When your parents tell you that you will be moving 1,000 miles away before the start of your senior year, it is very hard to know what to think. Of course, my first reaction is going to be a combination of anger and sadness. I had my established friends, the activities I was involved in, and many traditions that I did not want to leave behind. After living in Georgia for 16 years, moving to Minnesota for my senior year––in my head––was going to be the worst thing possible.
When I first moved to Minnesota, I looked at many different high schools, trying to choose where I should attend for my senior year. When I shadowed BSM, it was the school that felt the most “home” for me. It was very similar to the school I was at before, and it seemed like it could help make the adjustment of moving a little easier.
From the day I shadowed, to the summer roundup, to the first day of school, BSM was truly always willing to help. Teachers were welcoming and understanding; students were friendly and curious, and Link Crew leaders were very helpful. Benilde-St. Margaret’s was overall willing to do anything for this adjustment to be as less stressful as possible.
Of course, there were days that I was sad or wanted to move home, but there were also days that reminded me that I was where I belonged. BSM has given me the opportunity to take the things I already know and expand on them. Teachers and classes have taught me that even though I am only eighteen years old, I have a voice and can make a change. My courage is a great factor that played into the Easter Mass Common Basket. I led the school in raising a $1,441.50 to benefit the Living Water Movement. Supporting an organization I am passionate about, while my school teamed up with me, was a huge accomplishment for me. I can truly say BSM has taught me to go out of my comfort zone and work toward stuff that means the most to me.
Moving before my senior year could have very well been miserable for me, but I can honestly say that the community and people at BSM have made it something special. I have learned a lot about myself and others. I have pushed myself to do things I normally would not have done. I have made friends that I will be friends with forever. BSM has been great and has taught me so much.