BSM holds annual breakfast for seniors and alumni
At the breakfast, seniors had the chance to take photos with their classmates in their college t-shirts.
May 9, 2017
Keeping with a BSM tradition, the graduating senior class had a breakfast with alumni where they discussed their college experience along with some tips and tricks for the road ahead about the challenging transition from high school to college.
The planning for this event started in February. Trying to contact and find a willing alumni was the most time consuming part of the process. “[The process] is fun because we get to connect with a lot of alums as we’re recruiting people to come to breakfast – so that part is fairly fun, but it is also a lot of work,” director of alumni relations and community events Ms. Mary Fran O’Keefe said.
BSM tries to find an even mix of men and women, with a variety of ages, to come to the Alumni Breakfast. All must be BSM graduates and no current parents of students; there were several ways to contact the former students. “I saw one [alum] at a social event. We will also email them or call them, or [we] see them at a sporting event. We also need alums that are talkative. It is nice to have alums that are outgoing and will engage the students. Sometimes we ask an alum and they say they wouldn’t be comfortable doing to that,” O’Keefe said.
Although the day of the Alumni Breakfast was also on college decision day, the table seating was not based on college or careers. “We don’t really know until that day where the seniors are going. It would be nice if we could match it up with careers, but most seniors don’t know what they are going to do yet. We wouldn’t know that when we were recruiting alums in February and March,” O’Keefe said.