What students and teachers “gave up” for Lent
Some people are born sinners.
Father Tim celebrates Mass in the Great Hall with the class of 2017 sitting front and center.
April 19, 2017
Lent is the time of the year when people give up an object or bad habit. It takes place from March 1 to April 13—40 days. The number of days represents Jesus’s time in the desert. By making a promising, we are growing closer to God. The classic things to give up during lent are chocolate, social media, swearing, soda, coffee, and meat. Several students from our BSM community thought outside the box, leaving behind unique objects for the 40 days of lent. Though their motivation was strong from the being, these promises weren’t kept easily.
Sophomore Allie Brooks “gave up” napping during the day. This didn’t mean she was giving up sleep, but she thought this action would prevent her habit of procrastination. “I think that by giving up taking naps I will be able to do more homework and my grades will benefit from it. I am going to miss napping but now I don’t have to wonder whether it’s morning or night when I wake up.” Brooks said.
The night after this interview was conducted, Brooks fell asleep while watching Netflix at 5 and later woke up at 9 with loads of homework to do. “I learned a lot about myself, without sleep, I’m not the same person. Maybe next year I will be able to find something more realistic,” Brooks said.
Junior Landry Elman took the challenge of living without gluten for 40 days. “My cousin is gluten free and so I understood what it was like.You don’t need gluten in your diet,” Elman said. Giving up gluten leads to a healthier diet; more fruits, vegetables, and meats are incorporated. Although the thought of never eating a buttery slice of warm bread may be daunting, it is easily possible. Gluten free alternatives are available for each food type. If you are looking to mix up your food, then try gluten free. Sadly, Elman also came up unsuccessful with her lenten promise.Religion teacher Charlie Keyes gave up driving over the speed limit. Once you drive, it becomes second nature; though we don’t like to admit it, driving over the limit also comes with that. Whether you are driving days on end to another state, or 5 minutes to the grocery store, it is hard to take your foot off the accelerator to be at an average speed. “I think I realized that it was a good way to be more conscious for when I had to leave for different activities around the city. I try to focus on lent as a time to rid myself of distractions from God. To become less attached to something and become more attached to God. This is a challenge that would benefit me.” Keyes said. And it did! Keyes may have pushed over the speed limit at times, but he was overall successful with this promise.
Trying to give up something this difficult can be easier said than done. It is the thought that counts when putting yourself in a vulnerable position of giving up little things you use on the daily. At the end of the day, it is what makes lent the season it is and leaves a person better off.