Boys’ golf team looks to draw on senior leadership for successful season
The BSM boys’ golf team will need to have to work on all facets of their game, especially putting, in order to reach their full potential this season.
As the weather heats up and the grass gets greener, it can only mean one thing: golf season. This year a lot of players have taken interest in the boys’ golf team–46 boys from 7th to 12th grade showed up for tryouts with the intent of playing on the team this season.
Some of the veterans of the team have been practicing throughout the offseason. “I’ve been hitting balls at the dome with some other guys on the team just to keep the rust off,” senior captain Colin Segner said. After the tryouts, which took place from April 3-7, it is a quick turnaround for their first match of the season, which is slated to be on Tuesday, April 18, after the match that was supposed to happen on Monday was postponed due to bad weather conditions. Once the season begins, the team will continue to have matches throughout April and until the Section 6AAA Meet on Friday, June 2, at Ridges at Sand Creek in Jordan.
This year’s captains for the team are seniors Nick Sims and Colin Segner. This year is going to be a lot different than in years’ past, as this is the last year for the seniors playing golf for BSM. “It feels a little different, it’s going to be sad, and I’m just going to enjoy playing through this year with the team,” Segner said.
The boys’ golf team doesn’t have any specific goals this season; they just want to go out there every day and do the best that they can. For the seniors on the team, it’s their last year on the team and they want the players to go out on the course, have fun, and make the best of every situation that they encounter. “State is the final goal [this season]–it will be a tall task–but if we all play our absolute best it’s possible,” Segner said.
Another senior on the team, Billy Madden, is ready for the upcoming season but knows that this season will have a different feel, as this is his last year as a Red Knight. “Being our senior year it’s a tough process, [but] there [has] been a lot of great memories, a lot of tournaments, [and] a great team atmosphere,” Madden said.
This is a veteran golf team that will be tough competition for all the teams that it plans to go up against this season. Of the 46 boys that went out for the team this season, 11 made the varsity team, 12 made the primary JV team, and the remaining 23 players got divided into 3 secondary JV teams. Of the eleven varsity golfers, 8 are seniors, 2 are juniors, and Adrian Lawrenz is the lone sophomore. “We have a lot of returning players, [with] a lot of seniors including Nick [Sims], Connor [Lamb], [Jack Hendrickson], Billy [Madden], and myself,” Segner said.