Staff Ed: The new president must be for the students

As the search for the BSM President continues, the Knight Errant Editorial Staff shares characteristics that it feels will be essential in the new president.

Since the resignation of Dr. Gyolai in August, BSM has been in search of a new president. To help with the search, BSM named eight people to the official BSM President Search Committee, consisting of both current and former members of the Board of Directors, as well as a current faculty representative. In addition to the Search Committee, BSM partnered with Cohen Taylor, a company where candidates will submit all of their application materials for review. Through the company, the Search Committee released an eight page document, which can be found on the BSM website.

As a Knight Errant Staff, we wanted to share our opinion on what qualities and aspects we want in our next president. First and foremost, the president must be for the students. He or she must remember that BSM is a high school, not a business. This means that the new president should look beyond funding and profits, and see that the school revolves around educating students and providing them with a healthy environment.

Our president should be an active member of the BSM community. It is always exciting when the president goes to our games and displays school spirit so that we can see him or her on a more personal level. Considering that BSM is a community that aims for acceptance, our next president should also be accommodating of people from all faiths.

It is also important that the president doesnโ€™t attempt to make drastic changes to the school or community during his or her first year. We would like our new president to spend the first year learning about the uniqueness of our school and its environment so that he or she would understand our needs before implementing changes.

Something we want the committee to consider when selecting the president is his or her background. At BSM, the past six presidents have all been white males. We believe that having our president come from a diverse background will bring a new perspective to the school.

Finally, the president must give attention and funds to all studentsโ€™ interests. All programs, ranging from the art programs to the STEM programs, deserve equal opportunity for students to develop their interests in whatever they choose. Furthermore, all activities should be given equal treatment. We want our president to give everyone the chance to discover what they are passionate about. By giving all departments and activities equal treatment, it will allow for all students to develop their interests and further prepare them for the future.

These are the qualities that we find important to look for as the committee decides on a president, and we would like the committee to take them into consideration.