Students hear speakers on sexual assault and healthy relationships

Ashley Ortizcazarin

Cramer spoke with sophomores about healthy relationships.

Molly Keady, Staff Writer

Sexual assault is a serious, yet necessary topic that must be discussed with teenagers. To address this issue, BSM invited a guest speaker, Ms. Theresa Lienau, to speak to all BSM juniors during their religion classes on March 7.

Lienau compiled an interactive  powerpoint presentation that kept students engaged and focused on the topic at hand. In her presentation, Lienau educated the juniors about sexual assault and violence including how it affects people mentally, physically, and emotionally.

It is vital for teenagers to become aware about sexual abuse and how it may lead to violence. Regardless of whether a student has had experience with it or not, the importance of discussing this issue can’t be denied. “I believe that this topic is essential and applies to everyone. Even if we don’t personally experience sexual assault, it’s important to know what to do if someone you know is getting abused or assaulted,” junior Macy Rooney said.

Additionally, religion teacher Mr. Jeremy Cramer talked to sophomore classes about recognizing the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. “I focused on the difference between loving and unloving relationships,” Cramer said.

Sexual assault and healthy relationships are very relevant issues in today’s society. Through proper education, teenagers are able to develop an awareness of what sexual assault is and understand the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Lienau’s theory of education and the instruction of the BSM teachers has helped increase students’ awareness of the issue.