Grand Knight of holiday ball elected
Senior Auggie Moore – with his date, Julia Feld – was named Grand Knight.
January 13, 2016
Among the traditions for Holiday Ball is that of electing the Grand Knight. Monday, January 19, the Grand Knight, senior Auggie Moore, was presented to the Sophomore through Senior classes during homeroom.
The election process involves sending all the seniors a survey with all the boys listed. The top six become candidates for the Grand Knight, while the two runner-ups become the emcees for the ceremony. The girls are not elected, but instead are the candidates’ dates.
The nominees this year were seniors Auggie Moore, Matt Paal, Nick Gionet, Jerry Calengor, Vinny Zattoni, and Nick Austin. The emcees were seniors Bill Lichliter and Max Bernstein. Unfortunately, there was a technical difficulty with the music, but candidates were still able to excitedly walk down the runway in the Great Hall.
Senior high social studies teacher Ms. Megan Kern runs the Grand Knight election and enjoys doing it. “I really like how the boys try to not act excited but they are really excited, and I always enjoy their choice of music,” Kern said.