Student’s rights panel featuring Mary Beth Tinker a success

photo courtesy of devin harrington

Mr. Steve Ekcert, Ms. Jennifer Larimore, Dr. Sue Skinner, and Ms. Mary Beth Tinker were all featured on the panel.

Abby Letscher, Staff Writer

Over 200 people attended the panel featuring student’s rights activist Mary Beth Tinker on Thursday, inciting conversation among the students about their rights and how far they extend in a private school setting. “Everyone was completely engaged, and we had a great discussion,” junior and facilitator of the panel Josie Ross said.

Tinker made an impact and inspired students during her talk to the Journalism students. “I think her speaking to the journalism classes was especially empowering to the students because they could see the power that their First Amendment rights both of speech and of press have,” Journalism Advisor Ms. Kari Koshiol said.

Along with her discussion in the Journalism classes, Tinker’s presentation to the United States Government and Politics students was also a success. “I really liked Ms. Tinker, and I thought what she did was interesting, especially how she was our age when she stood up and made a change and went to the Supreme Court,” senior Emma Sather said.

With Tinker herself, lawyer Ms. Jennifer Larimore, journalist Mr. Steve Eckert, and senior high principal Dr. Susan Skinner on the panel, students had the chance to ask any questions they had and receive insight on many parts of the topic. “It was very informative about when and how our rights apply. I appreciated the different perspectives brought by the panelists because it gave the opportunity to see every aspect of the subject,” senior Joseph Martino said.

Overall, Tinker’s visit to BSM engaged students and encouraged  thought and discussion about how to successfully utilize their First Amendment rights.“I appreciated her willingness to come in and tell her story and do it in a way that could inspire someone today to be courageous and stand up and fight for what’s right,” social studies teacher Ms. Megan Kern said.