NHS Officers Elected


Keenan Schember

Junior Gunnar Lundberg has been elected as the 2015-2016 NHS President.

Lizzie Ambre, Staff Writer

It is the end of the school year and as classes, sports, and other extracurricular activities come to a close, NHS is getting a head-start for the 2015-2016 school year. This past week, NHS members voted on who the NHS leaders should be for the 2015-2016 school year.

NHS leaders shape and build the way the Benilde-St. Margaretโ€™s NHS chapter functions. All running candidates wrote a brief statement to highlight their leadership qualities and gave their peers reasons to specifically vote for them. At the final meeting, NHS juniors voted for the three officers who will help lead the chapter in the upcoming year as seniors.

92 votes from the juniors were submitted this past week, and the members of NHS just decided this past Friday who the three NHS officers will be: President Gunnar Lundberg, Vice President Macartan Commers, and Secretary Carson Ferrer. โ€œThis is always a group of really outstanding kids, and I wish I could get to know all of them better, but Iโ€™m always impressed with the NHS members and NHS leadersโ€ said Rob Epler, NHS chapter advisor.