Knightlife promotes chemical-free lifestyles


Madi Mayer

Knightlife meets about once a month, promoting a substance-free high school career and also encouraging students to educate their peers.

Elsa Beise, Staff Writer

Knightlife, one of the biggest clubs in the school, provides students with a unique and entertaining way to maintain a healthy lifestyle and ignore the pressures to drink and do drugs throughout high school.

The club, which meets about once a month, promotes a substance-free high school career and also encourages students to educate their peers during two specific weeks of the academic year: Homecoming week and Prom week. โ€œ[The clubs tries] to do different activities and events where we try to help people focus on not drinking and driving and doing drugs,โ€ the clubโ€™s advisor, Dr. Jeff Steffenson, said. During these weeks, club members hang posters and speak to students about how substances are harmful to minors.

Knightlife offers a variety of activities for students of all grades and interests. โ€œWe try to pick events that everyoneโ€™s going to be into and enjoy. I think that makes it fun,โ€ Steffenson said.

Knightlife is a great substitute for students who value not drinking or using substances while underage. โ€œI like how instead of telling people not to engage in illegal activities, it gives you other activities that you can be doing instead of that,โ€ sophomore Josie Ross, a Knightlife student leader, said.

By participating in these activities, students get to know other students who have similar values in regards to substance use in high school. โ€œI think those events offer people opportunities to get to know each other a little better, and itโ€™s great to do fun things,โ€ Steffenson said.

Knightlife is ย somewhat of time commitment and oftentimes loses members as the school year moves forward due to various reasons. โ€œ[Attendance] usually starts off with about 200 or so, and by the end of the year itโ€™s usually about 125. Some kids drop out for various reasons. Itโ€™s kind of a tough schedule and people are busy,โ€ Steffenson said.

Students must find a balance in their schedules to allow time for Knightlife if they plan on getting the most out of the club. โ€œ[Students] are always balancing things. This club is really promoting great values. However, if you plays sports and are involved in other clubs, you always have something to do. Itโ€™s hard sometimes to do that and be in Knightlife,โ€ Steffenson said.

Despite the challenges, the advisers and leaders of the club strive to make the supportive group of chemical free participants open to any students who want to participate. โ€œWeโ€™re always trying to figure out how to make people come that have busy schedules. Itโ€™s really tricky,โ€ Steffenson said.

Knightlife has been a club for about fifteen years and has continued to grow tremendously in members and influence. โ€œ[The club] started off really small and gradually grew,โ€ Steffenson said.

The open and welcoming atmosphere of this club provides a supportive environment for students who want to remain faithful to their values of not using substances.