Students recognized for outstanding character traits

Sarah Letscher, Staff Writer

Many students at BSM go above and beyond in their school and service work without being thanked. But on Wednesday, December 4, students from the senior and junior High were recognized for their excitement and dedication to their classes and community. Faculty and staff chose students who stand out among their peers as good-hearted, selfless people. Students were unaware of whom they would be receiving the honor from, and were called up by name after their respective mentors told audience members why they deserve this award. Amidst these students appreciated was Josie Ross, a freshman, one of three students acknowledged by Jon Pachkofsky, Security Coordinator. โ€œI am so honored to receive an award, especially by one of favorite faculty members. It makes me feel really great how one of my role models recognizes how I try to create a great BSM community,โ€ Ross said.