New guidance counselor Chuck Mannie, expected to start at BSM around the time of Roundup in early August, will be taking the middle third of the junior and senior alphabet to help the students by providing college counseling as they enter and go through the college process. The counselor will also be taking over responsibilities in the College and Career Center, formerly run by Mrs. Gilmore.
As a result of the wellness hour that was added two years ago, more juniors and seniors have been coming into the guidance offices for assistance with college and career planning. “We like that students are using their resources and coming in for help,” college counselor Ms. Anderson said.
Mannie will manage the College and Career Center and in addition to counsel a third of the junior and senior classes. The new counselor will have a large impact on the school’s rankings for the counselor to student ratio. Currently, Minnesota is ranked 47th of counselor to student ratio in the nation.
Although the other college counselors are very disappointed Ms. Gilmore is leaving, they have a positive feeling about the new counselor. “I think [Mannie] is going to be a great asset,” Anderson said.
The interviewing process has just finished, and all the counselors are excited about the new addition. “He unfortunately will be replacing Miss Gilmore who is a huge asset to our school, but we’re not losing her position; [Mannie] taking over her position,” said Ms. Anderson.