During the month of May, national pro-life month, BSM’s Students for Human Life group will raise awareness on pro-life issues. “During pro-life month, we will take positive steps to help the pro-life movement get recognized more at BSM,” said Mr. Zach Zeckser, adviser of Students for Human Life.
Pro-life month began at BSM when a group of Students for Human Life members came back from the celebration of the anniversary of Roe vs Wade––the famous abortion-legalizing court case––in Washington DC. “After the students returned, they were more informed and inspired and wanted to do something positive,” said Mr. Zeckser. Their goal is to create more awareness of the emerging pro-life presence at BSM.
Pro-life month is publicized to appeal to the BSM community. “The media that we use is kid friendly,” said Mr. Zeckser. The advertisements are recognized through the use of student-made locker signs, bracelets, and buttons. “We want the pro-life students to wear the buttons and the bracelets on themselves and give other students at BSM permission to do the same.”
To fit the theme of pro-life month, members of Students for Human Life visit the Northside Life Care Center where they assist pregnant mothers in difficult situations and help bring the newborns to “full term.” “We work with them once a month, and it acts as more of a publicity thing to encourage other students,” said Mr. Zeckser.
After pro-life month ends, Mr. Zeckser and Ms. Frank, the other leader of Students for Human Life, hope that next year’s members of Students for Human Life will have leadership positions. “There is a likelihood that the numbers will grow,” said Mr. Zeckser. Next year, they hope to repeat the Washington, DC trip and Student Day at the Capital, while increasing BSM student participation in national and local lobby efforts.