JUMP ‘N STYLE, a new business that sells figure skating dresses and athletic clothes has a new face in their ads. Freshman Maggie McGill takes time out of her busy figure skating schedule on Sundays to be a model for this Eden Prairie business.
McGill, an experienced figure skater with a full trophy case, is looking to continue her success into her recently developed modeling career. “I’ve skated ten years for the Lake Minnetonka Skating Club. Last month our team went to nationals,” said McGill.
McGill was drawn to her passion for figure skating at a young age when she saw how much fun her friends were having. “My friend Katherine Foy was doing it and she loved it so I wanted to try it,” said McGill.
McGill not only enjoys skating for her team, but also the many things that go into being on the team. “The friends, costumes, and competitions come together for a really good time,” said McGill.
Although this is not McGill’s first encounter with modeling, her relationship with JUMP ‘N STYLE is much closer than that of her first photo shoot just a year ago. “I started working for them a few weeks ago and now I [model] for them every Sunday,” said McGill.
During the photo shoot, rotations between dresses and angle shots are done in a professional manner, giving her the experience of a lifetime. “We try on a lot of different dresses in the changing rooms. We take about 5 photos of each dress,” said McGill.
Her motive for modeling these dresses is not for the in-store credit she earns, but for the joy she obtains from it. “It’s a lot of fun and I really like the people I work with. They are really nice,” said McGill.
Although this job is fun, McGill is uncertain as to how long she will be a model for JUMP ‘N STYLE. “I’ll probably be their spokesperson for a little while. It’ll most likely end when they don’t want me to model for them anymore or move on,” said McGill.
Although McGill is blessed with the ability to model and figure skate while leaving time for school and friends, she doesn’t necessarily see herself doing these things in the future. “I’m really not sure at all what I want to do when I grow up. I might want to coach figure skaters,” said McGill.