The BSM auction, “A Knight for All Seasons,” is an annual event where guests can help raise money to support the mission of the school by enjoying an elegant meal, meeting new faces, and bidding on the items at the silent and live auction.
This year’s auction will take place on Saturday, November 21, 2009. “The evening will be a wonderful way for our community to gather together and kick-off the holiday season,” said parent coordinator, Jody McMahon. The night begins with a mass in the BSM Chapel, led by Father Tim Wozniak. After the service, the doors to the Great Hall will open and the guests can enjoy a drink, socialize, and bid on the many gift packages and other donations of the silent action.
“The donations provided this year are so great,” said McMahon, “that there will be a separate area called The Silent Spotlight.” This includes a one-year Lifetime Fitness Membership valued at over $1,500 and will also feature a one-week stay at a condo in British Columbia. Other donations include spa days, golf outings, sporting event tickets, and a variety of dining gift certificates.
After the silent auction closes, guests move to the Haben Center for dinner. “Our very own Katie McDonald will sing The Lords Prayer before dinner, and other special guests will be greeting everyone as they enter the Haben Center,” said McMahon. The live auction begins at 9 pm along with dessert. “The live auction will include exciting trips to fabulous destinations such as Napa Valley, Hawaii, and Puerto Vallerta, and even tickets to the US Open at Pebble Beach,” said McMahon.
The very popular “Wine Pull” will be returning this year. Guests donate their favorite bottle of wine, and others bid on them through out the silent auction. “People have donated some very high-end bottles this year,” said McMahon. Winners can take their bottle home as a treasure or enjoy it at dinner in the Haben Center.
Tickets this year are priced at $150 a person, which includes dinner, entertainment, and admission to both the silent and live auction. By purchasing an entire table and becoming a table captain for $1,500, guests can invite nine other people to join them at this event. Guests can also become patron table sponsors. This is priced at $2,500 and gives them all the benefits of being a table captain, plus billing as a patron sponsor and express check out at the end of the evening.
“It’s hard even to choose one highlight of the evening,” said McMahon, “the event will have a new look, a new caterer, and many new, priceless items for the auction.” Coordinators are sure the event will not disappoint, “We promise that all our guests will be amazed as they enter the Great Hall!”