The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

Students’ Summer Destinations

Liv Fernstrom
Student summer vacations in the future hold nothing but fun, friends, family, food, and relaxation!

It’s that time of year when students are finishing up big projects, tests, and assignments and preparing for summer break. The temperature has been increasing these past few weeks and we’ve been seeing a lot of sun, which means that summer break is right around the corner. Over summer break, BSM students love spending time with family and friends, catching up on some sleep, and taking vacations around the country and around the world.

BSM students and staff are preparing for end-of-year tasks and starting to see the school year wrapping up. Summer is the perfect time to pack a suitcase and go on a vacation with friends or family. Vacations are always fun to look forward to, and this summer, some BSM students share how excited they are for their upcoming summer vacation plans. “This summer I am going to Italy for a couple of weeks with my family. I’m so excited because I’ve never been to Italy but I’ve heard it’s really nice and I’m excited to try all the food,” junior Sofia Barranco said.

For some, the sandy beaches and the clear waters of the ocean are intriguing. Popular beach destinations such as California, Hawaii, Mexico, and many more tropical settings will bring you sun, surfing, and relaxing. “After another school year, I’m really excited to go to California to unwind, get some fresh air, and relax,” junior Addy Herder said.

Meanwhile, others search for a more culturally enriching experience. Popular European cities such as Paris, Rome, and Barcelona have seen huge spikes in tourist arrivals and expected arrivals for summer 2024. The main aspect of these vacations can include immersing yourself in new cultural experiences such as trying new foods, seeing historical sights and landmarks, and exploring the history of the place they are visiting. “This summer, I’m going to Paris with my family. I’m so excited to try new authentic things while spending time and making memories with my family,” sophomore Juliet Feierabend said.

This summer, I’m going to Paris with my family. I’m so excited to try new authentic things while spending time and making memories with my family.”

— Juliet Feierabend

For those who don’t want to go far, but also want to experience being in a new destination, road trips offer an alternative to traditional vacations. Whether you’re making the journey to see family, go to a cabin, or just to sightsee, road trips can be a great way to explore the country and see new places. Road trips can also be a great alternative for those who are afraid of flying via airplane. “I love going on road trips, I take road trips to my cabin all the time, especially in the summer so I can’t wait for that,” senior Katie Wade said.

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