The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

The student news site of Benilde-St. Margaret's School in St. Louis Park, MN

Knight Errant

BSM Needs more outdoor eating space

Alyssa Raghuveer
Having more outside tables would be beneficial for many reasons, including saving time, and looking nicer.

As it gets warmer, many people are getting anxious to be outside. Most days in the spring, students have the opportunity to go outside and eat lunch, weather permitting. Although we do get to eat outside, I think there are many ways it could be improved, such as more tables and eating spaces.

The walk from the cafeteria to the tables outside by the baseball field can take a few minutes. Walking there and back costs me about four or five minutes of my lunch. This cuts into my lunch time. If there was a better space with more seating for lunch that was closer to the cafeteria, it would make for a better lunch experience.

BSM did add a few tables a couple of years ago, but it would be beneficial to have more. I think there should be a designated lunch area for students, not just a few tables by the baseball field. I think it would promote more people eating outside and we would get the sunshine we need. Many times when my friends and I are deciding if we should go outside, we wonder if there will be enough seats for us at the tables. We would sit on the sidewalk if we had to, but would prefer to have a normal table. Right now, there are only a few tables outside, and if you don’t claim them, you are left to eat on the bleachers or the ground.

I also think it would look pleasant to have a courtyard-type area for students to sit and eat. That is something that would make the outside area look more enjoyable and be a unique way for students to look forward to the good weather and socialize with other students.

Another problem that should be solved is when students have to get more food once they are already outside. if you don’t grab enough food, you have to walk back into the cafeteria, grab your food, and walk back out. I think there should be an outside food cart where students can buy something if they need to, which is a way to make the lunch process easier and quicker for eating outside. The seating area could even just move closer to the cafeteria.

I think having an outdoor eating area would make many students happier and give them more of a refresher from schoolwork during the day. It would be another good feature to add to BSM and be more convenient for the students.

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