Students Transition from Homework to Real Work this Summer

Mitchell Thueringer

Will Howell & Emily Fleetham under the sun and keeping their kids safe during summer care.

As the 2023 school year comes to an end, many upperclassmen are on the grind to find a job. Finding a new job in 2023 as a 15-18 year old doesn’t come very easy, as experience and lower pay hinders employment and the interest of new jobs.

Different types of job fields vary widely among students at BSM, these jobs can be retail, coaching, childcare, lifeguarding and many more. According to a survey completed by 41 students, retail was the most common job being that 16.1% of students were in that job field. The second most popular job was a three way tie at 12.9% between lifeguarding, childcare and landscaping/construction. The third most common job at BSM with 9.7% of students in this job is being a summer camp counselor.

Working in the childcare field is a difficult job that requires a lot of patience and good social skills with kids. Unlike many other summer jobs, childcare is much more hands-on,as it requires the worker to be consistently watching the kids and doing fun activities with them to keep the kids busy. Senior William Howell spent last summer working at Our Lady of Grace in their camp counselor program and plans to return this summer. “The social aspect is really fun because I get to spend time with people my age and get to know people from other schools. I also get to do fun activities with the kids,” Howell said.

Summer jobs can get boring at times, and the lengthy shifts may feel endless, but knowing you have a goal in mind and that you are bettering yourself is always the right mindset. “You get out of it what you put into it. You go there with a bad attitude, then you know, your day is gonna feel like it takes forever and you’re gonna have a really bad time. It’s important to keep a good attitude and a positive mental mindset,” Howell said.

There are a lot of reasons why kids get a certain job, like high pay, friends working there, or just straight up wanting the job. However, some students have personal motivations for why they picked certain jobs. “I’ve been a lifeguard for 3 years at Golden Valley Country Club. I chose it because my older sister and mother were both lifeguards, so I thought it was important to do the same and pool safety is a big part of my family,” senior Christina Taylor said