Administration Cracks Down on Wearing Shorts In School

Lauren Hillins

With the weather becoming nicer, many girls have made the decision to wear shorts or skirts to school.

As the weather gets warmer in Minnesota, more and more BSM students have started wearing shorts to school. With BSM’s infamous dress code, students have started getting dress-coded because their shorts are too short. Almost all of them are girls.

BSM junior Maggie Graczyk thinks that the dress code is unfair due to the fact that most girls do not own long pairs of shorts. “I think the shorts rule is dumb. Guys can wear shorts year-round, and it’s normal for them, but girls would have to wear men’s length shorts in order to not get dress coded. I think we would get bullied for wearing them,” Graczyk said.

The BSM dress code states that shorts must reach mid-thigh in order to be in dress code. Many girls have noticed that the rule is being implemented only on them, but not on boys. “The boys walk around wearing shorts that are shorter than the girls’ shorts half of the time and nothing is said about it. But when we wear the same length shorts, we get in trouble,” sophomore Lyra Carter said.

Junior Sloane Dokman recently got dress coded for wearing too short shorts and had to change into leggings mid-school day. “It’s like a difference of like two inches on my thighs. I don’t think I’m going to wear shorts for a while. Not until maybe finals,” Dokman said.

Many students are timid to continue wearing shorts as the year wraps up due to the fear of getting dress coded. “I was a little nervous, but I’m not too fazed by it…[I will] continue to wear shorts in the future as long as I don’t get detention,” Carter said.

Dress coding is not just happening in classrooms. Many teachers are also dress-coding girls they see in the hallways, common spaces, and walking into school. “I was scared because even teachers that I don’t have been known for dress coding. I know they would dress code me even if they don’t know me, which I think is kind of crazy,” junior Ellie Hillbrands said.

Most girls are upset with the rule because the school has poor air conditioning at times. Many parts of the school are very hot with little to no AC. Many girls chose to wear shorts so they are less hot during the school day. “It gets too hot in the school and it’s super uncomfortable. It makes it hard for me to get work done and be productive if I am overheating,” Hillbrands said.