Senior Sullivan Lawrence Brings BSM Sports to Life Through Photography
Senior Sullivan Lawrence capturing the Red Knights in action.
This year senior Sullivan Lawrence took up a new hobby of taking photos of his classmates at school sporting events. Lawrence’s coverage has caught the attention of students and he has become a familiar face at BSM sporting events.
Lawrence first started taking photos when his dad introduced him to photography at age 12. Lawrence rediscovered his passion for photography when he was sidelined in football and couldn’t stand being without the team. He went to every Red Knight football game to show support for his teammates and pursue his passion at the same time. “After quitting football due to concussions I missed being a part of the team, so taking photos was the closest thing to being part of the team,“ Lawrence said.
After Lawrence realized that his photos would be pretty popular, the idea popped into his head that he could turn this into a business instead of just doing it for fun. This has meant a lot to Lawrence as his passion for photography could take the next step. “For football games, yes I do it for fun, but then I realized I could make a lot of money by doing what I love,” Lawrence said.
As Lawrence got more into photography he started to notice that there was competition out there; he wasn’t the only one that loved taking pictures of BSM athletics. Senior Tomas Lee also loves to take photos of BSM sports. This didn’t rattle Larence at all; if anything it helped him out as the two were able to collaborate at many sporting events and get all the best angles at the same time. “Tomas is a great friend to have with me when taking pictures, as we both help each other out to get the best photos possible,” Lawrence said.
A lot of people love Lawrence’s photos around school and BSM athletes who have been photographed by Lawrence appreciate what he does. They all had great things to say about Lawrence’s pictures as they used them a lot on their social media. “They are very convenient because he shares them with me right away after the game, rather than having to buy them and wait a long time to see them,” senior Ryan Sever said.