BSM’s English Department Welcomes New Long Term Sub Barbara Watson
English Teacher Barbara Watson is the new long term sub for Andrea Manos.
BSM welcomes a new long term sub, Barbara Watson, who is teaching sophomores in the English department while subbing for Andrea Manos.
Watson grew up in Fargo, North Dakota. She moved here because she went to college at Northwestern in St. Paul. She has many activities that she enjoys, like writing, going for walks, doing yoga, or going to a basketball or football game her husband coaches.“I’m a writer, I work on young adult novels. I have one that I’m hoping to eventually get an agent and would love to be a published author,” Watson said.
Watson wanted to become a high school teacher because she enjoys being able to work with a group of kids who are able to have good discussions. She likes how honest high schoolers are about how they are thinking and feeling.“I just think high schoolers are fun, funny and they’re entertaining,” Watson said.
Watson has been enjoying her time here at BSM. She loves the atmosphere and getting to know the students and staff. “I’ve actually never loved a job as much as I loved the last few weeks,” Watson said.
We all wonder what English teacher’s favorite books are because they read so many. Watson’s all time favorite book is the Harry Potter series. She likes the characters created in Harry Potter and just all around the storyline. Her favorite book to teach to students is To Kill a Mockingbird. She likes that the book talks about racial justice but she does believe there are better books to teach racial justice. “But that’s the one that I’ve taught that I can most easily talk about racial justice issues and social justice issues with,” Watson said.
Watson’s piece of advice for BSM students is to be true to who you are. Trying to fit in during high school can be a mentally straining thing to do and be a hard place to be yourself. “No matter what other people think, just not be afraid to be unique and be yourself,” Watson said.