Winter Sports Enthusiasts
Senior Bowen Grieger snowboarding at Hyland Hills
The winter months bring more than just snow and cold temperatures; it offers the opportunity for a range of thrilling winter activities. BSM’s student body is filled with outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy spending time outdoors during the winter months. From ice fishing to snowboarding and skiing, Red Knights can be found enjoying the best that a Minnesota winter has to offer.
Ice fishing
Ice fishing is one of the most popular hobbies during the winter months. The challenge of ice fishing is elemental and profound: how do you manage to pluck a fish from the murky depths of a frozen lake? Ice fishermen use powerful augers to drill a hole through the ice and then fish through the ice with a tiny pole. The most popular ice fishing spot is Lake Minnetonka, which is accessible from many different cities and locations. Many BSM students find ice fishing fun and enjoyable, as it allows them to get outdoors while doing something they love. “I love to go out and ice fish on Lake Minnetonka with my friends whenever I can,” senior Brady Yakesh said.
Ice skating
Another popular activity in the winter months is ice skating. Although there are many indoor ice skating rinks in and around the Twin Cities, the cold temperatures allow for frozen ponds and outdoor park skating opportunities. Many of the ponds and lakes freeze enough to where people can play pond hockey or enjoy skating for fun. The ROC, which stands for the outdoor recreation center, is located in Saint Louis Park and is very popular among BSM students for pickup hockey games during the winter months. BSM students enjoy lacing up the skates with their friends and the opportunity to get outdoors while doing something they love. “[The ROC] is great because it’s outside and I get the chance to play some pickup with my friends,” senior Vince Ferris said.
Another activity that BSM students can be found doing is enjoying the slopes of Hyland Hills, which is a popular ski hill located in Bloomington. Hyland Hills offers a variety of different hills and ski “runs” as well as two terrain parks where snowboarders and skiers can show off their tricks through a number of different jumps and rails. Other popular skiing spots include Buck Hill in Burnsville and Afton Alps in Hastings. BSM students enjoy spending their afternoons and weekends with their friends at the slopes. “I like going to Hyland to hangout with my friends and shred the park,” senior Bowen Grieger said
BSM’s winter enthusiasts enjoy doing a variety of different activities and spending time outdoors with their friends while also doing activities they enjoy. Skating outdoors on the ROC is always a fun way to get outside and stay active and you can never go wrong with hitting the slopes at Hyland Hills with your friends. Ice fishing is a great way to get outside during the winter months and allows for endless opportunities to catch fish almost anywhere you go. Consider trying out these activities to make Minnesota winters more bearable!