Meet the Red Knight: Tech Guy Bill Cheney

Bill Cheney can fix computers just by standing next to them.
Where do you want to be in 15 years?
“In 15 years, hopefully still coaching basketball… maybe even coaching my own kids, who knows?”
What talent do you find unique or important to you?
“Sometimes I just have to stand next to a computer, and it fixes itself, and people get really mad about it.”
Describe your childhood in 4 words.
“Nerdy, sports, party guy.”
Who is your hero, and why?
“My dad because he’s awesome, and he taught me everything I know.”
What is an item you bring with you everywhere, besides a cell phone?
“A sick pair of shoes.”
What makes you laugh?
“People’s reactions when they make weird comments about my shoes.”
Are you someone that wants someone to spoil the end of a show or movie for you?
“No, absolutely not. If people tell me too much about a show or a movie, a couple of minutes in I’ll … completely lose interest and shut it off.”
What is your least favorite fast-food chain?
“McDonald’s is so overrated.”
What fast-food chain is your favorite?
“TacoBell is the way to go.”